The "Urbane Sophisticated Man"... and Woman?

Mark Tomlonson
Fri, 07 Feb 2003 14:21:23 -0500

Alfred Urrutia wrote:

>--- Mark Tomlonson <> wrote:
>>If we can define modern urbane then I think we've found the place 
>>Playboy ought to go.
>Exactly.  Until Playboy figures out that definition as it stands today *and*
>decides whether that's still a target they can make no moves.

Not trying to take Peggy's thunder, but I think that's the point of this 
little list. If we can't figure it out, then it's unlikely that PEI is 
going to either.

I didn't mean to state a competely rhetorical question, it's just hard 
to come up with an answer inthe middle of the work day. Posing questions 
is esy. Answering them is a bit harder.

Mark Tomlonson
Kalamazoo MI