Philosophy (was scattered shots)

Peggy Wilkins
Fri, 18 Jul 2003 12:08:16 -0500

>>>>> "Brian" == Brian Sorgatz <> writes:

    Brian> I'm not necessarily calling for a new official statement to
    Brian> replace or supplement the one Hef made in the Sixties.  I'm
    Brian> just hoping for a shift in some of PLAYBOY's attitudes and
    Brian> biases and a renewed sense of mission, if you will.  But my
    Brian> main hope in submitting that post was to get *us* talking
    Brian> about these kinds of things.  I believe this would advance
    Brian> the goals of this discussion, because the general ideas
    Brian> that inspire PLAYBOY are just as important as the concrete
    Brian> details of its form.  So how about it, ladies and
    Brian> gentlemen?  Do you agree or disagree with my comments on
    Brian> reverse puritanism and humanism?

I am not sure I could do anything with a discussion at that level of
detail in terms of the written report that is the goal of this
project.  How would you see this philosophical discussion being used
for that?  In other words, how would the details of that discussion
help PLAYBOY think about and enact what they wish to do in the future?
I can't see just now see how to fit it in.

I also ask, what kinds of conclusions would we want to get out of it?
By conclusions, I don't mean in terms of a consensus (which I don't
expect us to arrive at in general anyway -- I see us as being here to
discuss things, and not necessarily to agree about them) but more
generally in terms of some kind of outcome.

I very much liked what you wrote in terms of suggesting some new
approaches for the Forum, but from my way of seeing things, carrying
out this specific discussion here seems out of the scope of what we
are doing.  Am I missing something?  Can you (or anyone else who sees
what Brian is after) convince me otherwise?

Peggy Wilkins