skin and ads

Brian Sorgatz
Mon, 10 Nov 2003 14:56:44 -0800

Dan Stiffler wrote:
>Well, the results are in and, after three broadcasts, the network has
>cancelled Skin because, according to the Thursday, Nov 6th, New York Times,
>the show "drew low ratings."
>Since I am a baseball fan, I had to endure countless self-promotional ads
>for Skin on FOX during October.  I must say that it looked pretty much like
>all the other crap that FOX broadcasts, including the apparently popular
>O.C.  I am not exactly sure why one piece of "slick, clever melodrama"
>(Alessandra Stanley in the Times) is more successful than another, but
>apparently Fox was not willing to ride with a Romeo-Juliet remake of two
>families, one representing sin (a pornographer) and the other law (a
>district attorney), even if it was a Jerry Bruckheimer vehicle.

I, for one, am bummed.  I loved that show.  Maybe it wasn't great art, but 
it was topical enough.  I thought it would be a hit by resonating with the 
national red-state-versus-blue-state zeitgeist.

Brian Sorgatz