My Playboy history I
Juan Carlos Araujo
Mon, 28 Oct 2002 09:09:50 -0300 (ART)
My history with Playboy is born in May of 1970 when I buy the issue of
May of that year. In Argentina under censorship in all referring to
sex the only form to obtain an issue of Playboy was of contraband in
some "kioscos" of magazines that obtain it of people who traveled to
the United States. That change my life radically. Of being an
administrative employee it with time happens to have my own activity
and to see the life of another form. I believe that the Playboy of
years '69 and '70 was different by their format, covers and content
without forgetting that we live in another times . The change of
format of Playboy was a great error in my opinion and the lost of
"fresh" covers . I believe that Playboy in the last years passage of
to be a dream to a business and lost much of its force.
Juan Carlos Araujo
Buenos Aires - Argentina