brian's regime change
Gretchen Edgren
Tue, 06 May 2003 17:47:44 -0400
Brian, I thought lots of what you had to say was on the mark. Things won't
be the same without Hef. As for a successor, I deduced from your post that
you had a candidate all picked out!
PS I loved the blooper about Christina's being the first Hispanic PMOY.
Stacy Sanches certainly comes to mind. For that matter, what about Karen
Velez (PMOY 1985)? Velez is definitely a Spanish surname, and she did grow
up in Miami.
Interestingly, neither Playmate's original story nor her PMOY feature said
anything about ethnicity. I wasn't around in 1996, but I was in 1985, and my
best recollection is that it just didn't seem like such a big deal then.
Certainly the info wasn't deliberately suppressed.
I used to joke about my brain's being the corporate attic, but there won't
be any of the old guard left within a month or two.