My letter to Dear Playboy
Thu, 8 May 2003 11:54:10 -0700
At 3:08 AM -0500 5/8/03, Peggy Wilkins wrote:
>I'd be interested in knowing if anyone else has submitted comments
>about the June cover. (And just for the record, I intended this
>letter as a statement meaningful to me personally, so please don't use
>it for a form letter -- this is probably obvious, but I did want to
>make sure I was clear in that.)
I already posted mine to the main PML, Peggy, but for those who
missed it, this is what I sent to Playboy a couple of weeks ago:
The decision not to place Christina Santiago on the cover of her
Playmate of the Year issue is egregious. If this is part of the "new"
Playboy philosophy - breaking a 40-plus year tradition of showcasing
the Playmate of the Year on the cover in favor of a grade-Z reality
"celebrity" who will be forgotten in 15 minutes - then I'm not sure
this longtime reader wants to be along for the journey. Then again, I
fear, that may be the point.
To devalue the bread and butter of the Playboy tradition, the
Playmate, is to devalue the dedicated readers who have made the
magazine a integral part of American culture for the past half
century. I fear that the new editorial team is in the process of
killing the patient in order to save it, and I plead with them to
reconsider their current direction.
David Waldon
Los Angeles, CA 90038