Ava Regina (was Hef Rex)
Steve Sloca
Steve Sloca <gokings@comcast.net>
Mon, 26 May 2003 14:06:38 -0400
irishslider wrote:
>How about letting Ava Fabian succeed Hef as the official live-in
>hostess at PLAYBOY functions at the Mansion? She is familiar with the
>traditions of PLAYBOY, is a popular Playmate, and is a sort of "den
>mother" to younger Playmates and prospective Playmates as it is?
I second this suggestion of having a Playmate in the Mansion as the
official symbol and spokesperson of the magazine and Playboy brand.
It would promote a far more acceptable image of the magazine,
particularly among women and younger men; and thus, IMHO, it would
resurrect some of the acceptability the magazine once had in the mind
of the general public. The Playmate chosen for this post, which could
be called "Playmate Prime." should be, first of all, one who is
comfortable in front of a news camera and a good public speaker, so
that she could project the Playboy philosophy and lifestyle on all of
those occasions where the media does a story or interview on
Playboy-related issues. She should also have input into the
magazine's content and in Playmate selection, perhaps as an associate
editor or publisher. I haven't seen Ava in such a role, so I don't
know if she could handle these responsibilities; but there are a
number of Playmates--including our own Dianne--who I am confidant
could handle the role.
At the same time, the Mansion should be used as the "LA home" for all
Playmates and their mates when visiting Southern California for work
or pleasure. All Playmates should have the perpetual right to free
accommodations in the Mansion and be encouraged to use it, not only
when they are traveling alone, but also when their families are with
them. I think a monthly feature on Mansion parties featuring
Playmates of all ages, some with their significant others (and their
children on appropriate occasions) and some identified as single or
divorced, would be popular among all types of Playboy readers. Plus,
it would naturally lead into more "Playmate Revisited" features, an
expanded Playmate News section, and even new features which could
become equally popular, such as a "forum" for fans of Playmates past
and present, or a Playmate dating tips column (remember the old "Ask a
Playmate" feature?).
In order to maintain its long-time readership and fans, as well as to
gain readers among the younger generations coming of age to join the
Playboy lifestyle, Playboy needs an image that appeals to all ages;
and what could be better as a symbol than the Playmates from the '50's
to today, with a Playmate Prime as official spokesperson. There will
always be new young Playmates chosen every month to appeal to the
younger generation, while the Playmates of the past will continue to
draw readers from the older generations. The cross-generational mix
of women (and their men) of different ages would be far preferable to
today's Playboy "symbol" of a septugenarian clinging to youth with
Viagra and a bevy of paid bimbos.