Carl's Jr.
Brian Sorgatz
Sun, 09 Nov 2003 13:49:18 -0800
Donna Tavoso wrote:
>I think the idea of writing to Carl's Jr is great, and the fact that
>they are reporting that sales are up 26% is going to make more people
>hire Hef for endorsements, but in the media unfortunately that only
>proves what a celebrity he is, it doesn't translate into more
>advertising for the magazine.
In an indirect way, I think it could result in more advertising. From what
I understand, many prominent brands won't advertise in PLAYBOY because of
pressure from the religious right, the p.c. left, or both. But the Carl's
Jr. commercial could help convince them that associating with the world of
PLAYBOY will not earn them a scarlet letter.
Again, I don't work in marketing or advertising. I wonder if some of the
professionals would be annoyed by our armchair quarterbacking on this list.
>What would really help the magazine is if everyone wrote Tommy
>Hilfiger and told them how much they liked their campaign that is
>running in December.
I agree that that's a good idea, too.
Brian Sorgatz