More skin or less....
Brian Sorgatz
Mon, 24 Nov 2003 13:19:57 -0800
Mark Tomlonson wrote:
>In many centerfolds where a bit of tease and a leg show are the goals the
>leg is often turned to the point that the model loses her "center". She no
>longer looks balanced because she rarely is. The strain to keep her balance
>during a long Centerfold shoot shows on her face. Legs crossed, anxious,
>strained look - as the former parent of toddlers I know exactly what that
I'm not quite sure whether I've noticed the thing you're complaining about
here. Maybe this is the reason I'm often disappointed by the centerfold
proper -- or maybe not. But in any case, I appreciate the subtlety of your
argument. All this time, I thought you guys were just complaining about not
seeing enough female genitalia.
Brian Sorgatz