Hef needs a successor
Brian Sorgatz
Tue, 06 May 2003 10:58:44 -0700
Peggy Wilkins wrote:
>There seems
>to be an obvious danger of having the corporate machine swallow up his
>creation and morph it into something else entirely -- what was a labor
>of one man's love could become little more than an automated money
>making machine. This would seem to drain the life out of it; and this
>would not be faithful to the ideas which brought PLAYBOY to life.
For precisely this reason, I suspect that any PLAYBOY monarch would be
better than no PLAYBOY monarch at all. A human face is required to
keep the organization from losing its soul.
>I think that Brian is
>talking mostly about Hef's public image here, but to me this is only
>half of the story. Hef has a unique relationship to PLAYBOY: he is
>its creator; it is the fruit of his creative labor. Can someone from
>the outside, who is not its creator, understand what PLAYBOY is and be
>faithful to that idea? What does this even mean? And is this even
Good point. Maybe we can resolve this dilemma the way the British have
done: make the monarch a purely symbolic figurehead rather than a real
authority figure. If it seems bizarre to designate someone as the
official enjoyer of life in the Mansion without assigning him the
responsibilities of a head honcho, perhaps it's because we Americans
still suffer from the puritan work ethic. Just a thought.
Brian Sorgatz