Peggy's letter about the June cover (irishslider)
Donna Tavoso
Tue, 6 May 2003 16:33:40 -0500 (EST)
Mike wrote --
> As for the argument that having Sarah Kozer on the cover might
> increase "impulse buys" of the issue from non-subscribers, the
> newsstands which DO sell PLAYBOY always bag the issues so you can't
> really tell who is on the cover. Peggy very eloquently pointed this
> out in a previous post, so that particular argument of increasing
> "impulse buys" does not hold water in my opinion.
Just as a point of fact, Playboy's newsstands issues are polybagged in
a clear plastic bag with a sash so you can absolutely see who is on
the cover of the issue - it is only subscriber's issues that come in
the mail with the black plastic bag covering the front so you can't
see who is on the cover. And in a large majority of cases even when
the issue is behind a counter with a card over the front, the cover
and over lines have been laid out so that newsstands buyers can see at
least the head and the first name of the cover model.