Ava Regina (was Hef Rex)
Brian Sorgatz
Tue, 27 May 2003 11:59:23 -0700
Steve Sloca wrote:
>I second this suggestion of having a Playmate in the Mansion as the
>official symbol and spokesperson of the magazine and Playboy brand.
>It would promote a far more acceptable image of the magazine,
>particularly among women and younger men; and thus, IMHO, it would
>resurrect some of the acceptability the magazine once had in the mind
>of the general public. The Playmate chosen for this post, which could
>be called "Playmate Prime." should be, first of all, one who is
>comfortable in front of a news camera and a good public speaker, so
>that she could project the Playboy philosophy and lifestyle on all of
>those occasions where the media does a story or interview on
>Playboy-related issues. She should also have input into the
>magazine's content and in Playmate selection, perhaps as an associate
>editor or publisher. I haven't seen Ava in such a role, so I don't
>know if she could handle these responsibilities; but there are a
>number of Playmates--including our own Dianne--who I am confidant
>could handle the role.
Gretchen Edgren wrote:
>The idea of a Mistress of the Mansion is intriguing...but wouldn't it
>somehow conflict with Hef and the Seven Blondes?
Steve, I believe you're on my wavelength here. I would like to add that I
think it would help to make symbolic gestures that present the Playmate in
question as Hef's direct successor. For example, give Hef some kind of
official title, and then, when the time comes, give her that same title or a
variant on it. I have suggested "Ms. Playboy," after Hef's "Mr. Playboy."
Also, she should become the chief resident of the Playboy Mansion. This
would have tremendous psychological value.
Gretchen, if it were done properly, this process would retain the best of
Hef's legacy while bringing some positive changes to it.
Peggy, when you write your final report on this discussion, will you
consider devoting a section of it to our ideas for Hef's successor?
Brian Sorgatz