reviews, etc.
Brian Wallace
Thu, 29 May 2003 11:37:15 -0700 (PDT)
--- Gretchen Edgren <> wrote:
> IMHO, the single best thing Jim Kaminsky and gang
> could do to improve Playboy is to reduce its longstanding
> three-month lead time. Part of this is supposedly due
> to the size of the press run, but it can't all be charged
> to that. It's quite possible they're moving in that
> direction; I hope so.
I think they already have. In the "Next issue"
preview in the May issue, there was no mention of
Sarah Kozar and there she was on the June cover. In
the "Next issue" in the June issue there was no
mention of Nikki Ziering and there she was on the
cover of the July issue. Carnie Wilson is mentioned
in the July "Next Issue" section but from what I've
heard, two of the women from Survivor will be featured
on the cover.
I'm thinking there is a quicker turn around on the
issues now.