Hef's endorsement of Carl's Jr.
Brian Sorgatz
Thu, 06 Nov 2003 15:14:03 -0800
Has everyone seen the Carl's Jr. commercial with Hef in it? I'm not a
marketing man, but I think that it's good publicity for PLAYBOY. With a
little luck, other high-profile companies may eventually follow Carl's Jr.'s
lead and become more willing to associate themselves with PLAYBOY. Then it
could earn ad revenues more easily.
I humbly suggest that we all send messages of approval to Carl's Jr. for
running the ad. Below, I have copied the message I sent them through the
"Contact Us" link at
I applaud your decision to put Hugh Hefner in one of your TV commercials.
The ad was clever and funny. For the past few years, I had refused to visit
Carl's Jr. because of the disgusting mouth noises in many of your ads. But
since you've had the good taste to ask Hef to endorse you, I am now a
frequent customer again.
Brian Sorgatz