Hef's rightful successor: Jeff Cohen
Brian Sorgatz
Thu, 05 Feb 2004 15:48:11 -0800
Peggy Wilkins wrote:
>Do you suppose he has designs on wider editorial work than the SE work
>he does now with photography, layout, and design? The Editor In Chief
>role has a very wide scope, overseeing the entire magazine. If he's
>interested in that sort of thing, more power to him; if not, I at
>least agree with Brian that his outlook is very well suited to working
>with print publications in general, and PLAYBOY in particular.
It's not just Cohen's outlook that I admire, but his writing. It's
unfortunate that he doesn't write full-page introductions for the SEs
anymore. Ladies and gentlemen, if you own any SEs from a few years ago, go
read a few of those introductions. Many of them are delightful prose poems.
Brian Sorgatz