Request for comments
Brian Sorgatz
Fri, 06 Feb 2004 10:37:20 -0800
Peggy Wilkins wrote:
>As I'm sure you're all aware, I've been working on producing the final
>report of this project to send to PLAYBOY. That report is going to
>consist of two distinct parts: an edited down version of what we
>discussed here (selected excerpts organized by topic), and a separate
>commentary by me.
Please make clear, in your published report, that your commentaries are not
unanimous statements from the discussion group as a whole. I don't
necessarily agree with everything you've written in them. (Specifically, I
think PLAYBOY ought to work harder to promote itself as "classic" rather
than change traditional elements such as the Interview and Party Jokes. But
I acknowledge that I'm pretty much alone here.)
Brian Sorgatz