Request for comments
Peggy Wilkins
Fri, 06 Feb 2004 15:19:39 -0600
>>>>> "Brian" == Brian Sorgatz <> writes:
Brian> Please make clear, in your published report, that your
Brian> commentaries are not unanimous statements from the
Brian> discussion group as a whole.
I will be specifically mentioning that in the introduction.
I don't expect us to reach any consensus in this project; rather, my
aim was to carry out a dialogue about PLAYBOY that would promote
openly expressing, developing, and questioning our individual ideas,
and then to bring the most interesting results of that dynamic
experience together in written form for PLAYBOY's consideration (and I
hope benefit).
The writing I am doing myself is the result of my participation in
that dialogue. The process was very useful for me as far as getting
me to be able to clearly think about and express many things that I
had felt at the gut level. As I'm sure you're all aware, I feel very
passionately about these issues, which is why I started to think I
should do this at all. What I personally write is what I feel must be
said; and I take full personal responsibility for what I write.
I don't think there is any one "right" answer for what direction
PLAYBOY could or should be going in, but I do hope that what we have
said here, and what others have said in other forums where PLAYBOY is
seriously discussed, will give them a very wide a base for thinking
about where they've been, where they're going, and why.
Brian> I don't necessarily agree
Brian> with everything you've written in them. (Specifically, I
Brian> think PLAYBOY ought to work harder to promote itself as
Brian> "classic" rather than change traditional elements such as
Brian> the Interview and Party Jokes. But I acknowledge that I'm
Brian> pretty much alone here.)
I would be surprised if you were completely alone; and I think that
how much they should stick to what has become a tried and true formula
for producing issues of PLAYBOY is a very relevant and pressing issue
for them.
Peggy Wilkins